
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Five Years

For Christmas, while shopping for my friends, I bought myself a ‘Q & A a day’ five year journal.  The premise is simple: one question for each day in a year for five years.  The tagline reads, “365 Questions, 5 Years, 1,825 Answers.”

I started writing in my new journal Christmas night.  Currently I fill its pages, a few lines at a time, just before bed.

I like the comfort of it, the consistency.  I like having something to look forward to each night before I lay my head down to sleep.  And already I’ve enjoyed reading back the short passages, the small windows on my days.

The brown book with black writing lives on my bed, sharing space with Tessie.

A smart man might call what I am doing a practice.  I will not disagree with such an assessment.  But I will glean yet another incite into my purchase.

The next five years will likely include some of the starkest changes of my life.  I am already in school, though just barely.  Eventually I will be a graduate student.  Afterwards, another piece of fancy paper will adorn my wall; letters will precede my name.

I want to find a life partner, possibly start a family.  I hope that adventure will start soon.

I have made something of a name for myself in our world, and am just now seeing what my enthusiasm for kink and sharing it with others can lead to.

Right now is an exciting time in my life.  I am looking forward to living it, and eventually reminiscing on all that is to come.

Categorised as: Random

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