
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Doc’ Category

Wednesday —

It was cold enough that I slept with a hat on, my comforter draped over my face. When I woke up, it was still chilly.  I let myself snooze under my covers for a spell. But then I remembered the book. I’m reading an erotic novel for a book review to be published on this […]

Ironies —

I got the phone call, knew what was going to happen soon.  Knew that there would come a day in my near future where I would live in a world where my father was dead. I put my mug down, my phone down, opened up the door to the Sun Room, closed the door, and […]


We started with a memory, a strong memory that incited a negative emotion.  I described the memory to Doc.  He had me close my eyes.  Travel back to that moment, back to those emotions, sit in those feelings.  The tears easily came. “How do you feel?” “Forgotten.  Not thought of.  Alone.” “On a scale of […]

Big R —

“How many of you are in a D/s relationship?” I watched as the people around the circle raised their hands.  Rough’s gaze ran counterclockwise until his stare landed on me.  My hand was halfway up. “Well, it depends.  What is your definition of a D/s relationship?” “That’s a good question, poetic.  We’ll start with you.  […]

The Mask —

“Stop.”“Dammit.”“Feel that. Whatever you are feeling right now. Just sit with that emotion.”I didn’t want to. I was reading my homework for Doc. A few pages typed into my netbook. Very honest words to myself. My pace was measured. I tried to put on my writer-ly voice. But then I got to two lines. Two […]

Yearn —

Attention and affection; two simple concepts, yet it has taken me time and thoughtful introspection to realize they are the two major necessities I need in a relationship. I want a partner who will spend time with me. Not around me, but with me. I need simple attention: a meal where we bitch about our […]

Three to the Third —

I may never forget his birthday. I love numbers, always have, and as soon as he told me his birthday, I smiled and said, “Oh, cool; three to the third.” He smiled at the nerdy way my brain had branded the date into my memory. Now, having not seen or spoken to him in months, […]

Why? —

I’ve been asking myself that question a lot lately, mostly because of a friend’s influence, although Doc has been encouraging it as well. In regards to my theatrical career, there is one person who I believe owes most of the credit for my current circumstance: Mr. David Kriebs. He was the Production Manager for the […]

The Un-Boyfriend —

I stopped looking. I stopped trying.  I have barely touched my OKCupid profile, answered messages, or tried to hookup with anyone since meeting OKC boy. It came to me last night, as I snuggled up in bed, reading a blog before my eyelids shut for the evening: OKC boy is the perfect un-boyfriend. We have had three […]

Opening the Box —

Everyone is a good liar from one hundred feet away. It wasn’t a big lie. In fact, it was a tiny one I’m sure everyone has told some time, if not quite often, over the course of their lives. A friend, who happened to spot me standing, looking about at the gathered folks at the […]