
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Author Archive

Life Is Reason Enough —

Lately, I’ve been doing the thing. On my recent trip to New Orleans with friends, I was getting ready for brunch. Showered. Moisturized. Outfit was set. A little body glitter by the eyes and on the chest because I wasn’t in the mood for makeup. All that was left was my hair. I wasn’t sure […]

Dwindled Roster —

And just like that, there were none.  I am no longer dating any of the three boys from the friend group. I suppose this was inevitable. It is difficult for one person to fit what three different people want. For me in particular, it was difficult to find the balance of trying to make myself […]

Boys —

I don’t know how this happened but I am talking to so many boys right now. I visited Sword Fighter over Labor Day weekend. He lives not that close but not horribly far away. We picked a city that was a fair split between us and he’d been there before so agreed that it would […]

Family —

I feel blessed as of late with warmth and love from my family. On Friday, I attended the wedding of my cousin.  In a sad twist of irony and life and death, my cousin read my mother’s obituary at her funeral and then I read the obituary for my cousin’s mother at that funeral. We […]

40 —

I do this every year, take an inventory of my life and talk about the fun I had on my birthday. With this being a milestone year, I really did it big: a nerdy convention, a Beyonce concert, and five Broadway shows in the span of one week. It was incredible and all I deserved […]

A Drink —

~ erotica ~ “You look beautiful sweet girl.”“Thank you Daddy.”“Why did you ask to meet?”“I was pretty tonight and wanted you to see me in my dress. Also I was feeling especially horny and so I thought of you.”“Always happy to be on your mind.” He kissed me on my forehead, pulled out the tall […]

Sick —

I am a stupid stubborn asshole.  I have been sick for a week and only barely told anyone about it.  Yes, the job because they had to know.  Yes, the partner because he would’ve caught on pretty quickly. We text everyday and when he asks “How goes it?” it’s the one opportunity in my life […]

Unexpected Conversation —

D and I met in medical school. He is very attractive: average height, medium brown skin, rugby fit body, long brown dreadlocks, and a cocky personality that I couldn’t help but find appealing. In medical school, I was honest with D in a way that I often could not be with other classmates. I hid […]

Beck & Call —

~ erotica ~ I am his beck and call girl.  I spend my days quietly waiting, hoping, for his text. When it arrives, it is a place and a time to meet.  Most often, he sends a hotel name. “The Hyatt downtown, 5pm.” There is always time to shower, shave, and show up smelling sweet […]

Untitled —

[Side note: Yes, I could have posted something meaningful and thoughtful today, but I did not have the spoons to do so. Instead, please enjoy this random sexy thought that popped into my brain before bed. I will (maybe) be more thoughtful next time.] ~ erotica ~ She raced home after work, thrust the front […]