
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘L’ Category

The Country We Should Be At War With —

North Korea has convicted two American journalists, Euna Lee & Laura Ling, for “grave crimes against North Korea” and sentenced them to 12 years in prison, the maximum possible punishment. They are to be transferred to a labor camp in ten days. I am normally not a pro-war person, but, in the case of North […]

DA/DT: The New Third Rail of Politics —

Yet another setback in the ongoing struggle for gay rights and equality in our country: the Supreme Court refused to hear a case challenging the validity of the prejudicial military policy “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, instead covering their behinds by stating it was up to the Congress to change or amend the practice. What happened […]

New Hampshire Makes 6! —

How come I didn’t hear about this? The New Hampshire governor on Wednesday signed into law gay marriages rights.Full Article Here Thanks to lazy circles for the article and info. Seriously, why didn’t I read or hear about this before today?

A Whole Lot of Suck —

In case you haven’t heard about this vomit inducing incident, read on to learn how two girls, suspected of being lesbians, were expelled from their Lutheran High School based on the precedent of the Boy Scouts case. Really, I sometimes wonder if people are even human. Thanks to @aplusk for this saddening story.

Maine Makes 5! —

Today, Maine became the fifth state to allow gay marriage. View a full story by USAToday here.

The Menacing Minority —

I’ve tried to express, multiple times in fact, how I’ve felt these past few weeks about the Republicans in the House and Senate. Each time, my anger, frustration, and annoyance has not translated into what I’d written. So, rather than being witty and ironic, I will speak plainly. House Republicans said they could not support […]

Recession Rant —

I recently read an article on usatoday.com talking about a new strategy to fight homelessness: helping families find foreclosed homes to squat in. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-12-10-homesquatters_N.htm It’s a great article. I highly recommend you read it. I never thought there could be a moral dilemma with helping the homeless. The thing that struck me the most, however, […]

This Liberal Loves America —

It is less than two weeks before our country decides who its new leader will be. Yet, all I keep hearing from one political party’s candidates is talk of “pro-America” and the “real America.” Now it’s my turn to give my views of our country. I love America. I have no problem saying that. I […]

Liberal —

The first political conversation I can remember having was around the age of 8. It was 1991 and the political campaigns of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton were on everyone’s mind. My family sat in the living room watching local news. Now, before I go on, I need to preface what happens next. I […]