
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for June, 2009

Expanding On My Dorkitude —

So I mentioned yesterday that I submitted my latest blog about my health insurance struggles as a commentary to Marketplace. According to the website, I should not expect a response for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Happiness in submitting my work slightly dulled by the denied gratification of learning whether it is good enough. […]

dork-a-licious moment —

I condensed my last blog into 400 words and submitted it as a commentary to Marketplace. Keep your fingers crossed/me in your prayers/good thoughts for me.

A Snap Shot Regarding Health Reform —

Currently in Washington, elected officials, lobbyists, and advisers are debating over health reform. One major point of contention, a public option, is what I wish to discuss in this post. Along with a more-than-super majority of the American people, I want the option of purchasing public health insurance for one simple reason: I was rejected […]

My Niece Is Not Related to MJ —

After my four post day yesterday, there came the thought that I would give a full introspective essay on what “The King of Pop” meant to me in life and, now, in death. (Aside: You can thank Elizabeth Taylor for his title.) But all I’ve heard, from the moment the news broke, is everyone talking […]

Breaking (Emotional) News —

With all of the juicy gossip and interesting news of the past 24hrs, I neglected to blog on my emotional good news for the day. Apartment is a go; I repeat, apartment is a go. My SO and I are moving into an apartment in my current complex. A 2BR 1 1/2BA will be our […]

Sweet Sweet Revenge —

Grumpy conservatives, increasingly impatient homosexuals, Iranian leaders, and any other entity that wants sweet sweet revenge on the Obama White House: Warm Up Your Arm.

Child’s Strip Search Found Illegal By High Court —

In a case that sparked my personal fury and much controversy concerning how far administrators can go in their hunt to remove “the scourge of drugs” from their schools, the high court found (rightly) that the accusation of one student that another has prescription drugs does not give school officials the right to strip search […]

Another One!?! —

Okay, so by now everyone has heard about where South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has been since he went missing last Thursday. If not, here’s a link to the full story for those not in the know. In a week, there was speculation that he was away writing or away hiking, missing out on Father’s […]

I’d Vote For This —

Barney Frank Introduces Marijuana Bill He wants to remove criminal penalties for possession less than 100 grams and only a $100 fine for public use of the substance. To me, being a clear minded liberal who sees that almost half of drug related arrests and imprisonments are due to pot, I see this as fair, […]

Couldn’t Stop Laughing —

From the Twitterverse: Roger Ebert’s review of Transformers 2. I laughed while I was reading it and for a few minutes following. I love this man. thanks to @DDog, @thesurfingpizza, & @tommy_day (the line from which I got this link).