
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Lochai’ Category

Hot Ash —

My hands shook as I held the match box.  I could feel all the eyes in the Barn on me.  Could hear my breathing loud as thunder. I struck the match against the box; no light.  Struck again; no light.  On the third try, it lit.  I warmed the cigar with the match.  Once it […]

And The Winner Is… —

Shay stayed beside me as I walked off stage.  Held me as I sat on a chux pad.  Rubbed my back as I started coming down off my high. The show continued.  During Pig #6’s performance, I breathed in and out, allowing the adrenalin to cycle through me.  Soon I was good to stand.  I […]

Storm —

I could feel it coming. I had just gotten out of the shower, just washed away the sweat of the hot hot Friday, when I could just feel it. A storm was coming. Stepping outside onto the back porch, the wind had started to swirl. The skies had turned ominous. I think, then, everyone knew […]

Building Community —

In the middle of my Ropen Space, I found myself drawn to a large circle of people in the main room. As part of the unconference process, this open area was kept in case a class ran long and needed more time. For Lochai’s Community Building discussion, the space was invaluable. I had not attended […]