
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Money’ Category

Seasonal Financial Panic —

A few times a year, about once every season, I panic about money. Being in a job where the work is either feast or famine, it’s understandable that I have these fears. The funny part though is that since the end of my first year of working professionally, I can’t think of a time when […]

Options, Options —

The way I see it, I only have a few options as to what I’m going to do come July 31st (the last day of the lease with the boyfriend). 1) Stay in the same apartment, but get a roommate.  This way, I will be paying about the same amount I am right now.  The obvious downsides include […]

A Healthy Dose of Duh —

I don’t know if it’s irony or poetic justice that my ex has nixed the idea of us roommating again.  I brought up where I wanted to live and he mentioned how his bus ride would be over 1 1/2hrs.  (I did not bring up how I drive that amount for him now.)  He also […]

Logistics —

To rush everyone up to speed: 1- On Sunday I had “the talk” with the boyfriend.  Parts were okay.  Parts were bad.  It ended so-so. 2- That same day a mutual friend stopped by and helped to break the tension in the room.  Since then, we have been friendly. 3- I decided to move closer […]

On A Lighter Note? —

Saw the therapist yesterday. Spent plenty of time venting, especially about my mother. Affirmed my decision to not give her money, again, was the adult thing to do. Also pointed out, though I know it is the right thing to do, how much guilt I feel about the situation, down to me trying to justify […]

Third Time’s the Harm —

It happened again, and I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, but I thought it wouldn’t be so soon. Okay, explaining that odd opening statement: my mother asked me for money, again. And I said no, finally. I cannot tell you how much this both pisses me off and makes me feel like the […]

Expanding On My Dorkitude —

So I mentioned yesterday that I submitted my latest blog about my health insurance struggles as a commentary to Marketplace. According to the website, I should not expect a response for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Happiness in submitting my work slightly dulled by the denied gratification of learning whether it is good enough. […]

A Snap Shot Regarding Health Reform —

Currently in Washington, elected officials, lobbyists, and advisers are debating over health reform. One major point of contention, a public option, is what I wish to discuss in this post. Along with a more-than-super majority of the American people, I want the option of purchasing public health insurance for one simple reason: I was rejected […]

Breaking (Emotional) News —

With all of the juicy gossip and interesting news of the past 24hrs, I neglected to blog on my emotional good news for the day. Apartment is a go; I repeat, apartment is a go. My SO and I are moving into an apartment in my current complex. A 2BR 1 1/2BA will be our […]

Dollars and Cents —

Having lots of time to burn Saturday, I found myself pouring over my planner. In it, I list every transaction I’ve made using my debit card, all the bills I’ve paid, any cash I take out of the ATM, and precise information about my gas consumption (down to calculating my mpg after each fill up). […]