
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Photo Friday’ Category

Turkey Day Edition of Photo Friday —

Folks, I apologize for my noted absence from this blog. It’s not been on purpose that I’ve lacked in my postings. Instead, it is for this… the many many scarves I’ve been knitting & crocheting for family and friends, in lieu of buying presents this year. Yes, I know it seems as if I’m not […]

Photo Friday Delayed —

Sorry folks, you awesome few who actually read my musings. Photo Friday will have to wait a few days. I seem to have misplaced my memory card reader. Therefore, I have no way to actually post the photos I have taken. But, be brave; I think I know where it is. However, I have to […]

Photo Friday —

This week’s photo wrap up has a fall theme, though not intentionally. Just sorta happened that way, considering it’s autumn and all. Outside the Office Sitting in morning rush hour traffic Trees on the sidewalk My pumpkin, chillin outside Closeups of my pumpkin’s tattoos The table was looking at me. And finally…why so sad Mr. […]

Photo Friday —

I’ve been at this whole blogging thing for a while now, so I thought I might start a little series I’m calling Photo Friday. I carry a crappy little digital camera in one of my cargo pockets wherever I go. As such, I get shots of some of the interesting moments of my days. Here […]