It started oddly. I woke up from a dream that wasn’t a nightmare but wasn’t at all pleasant. To call it odd would be generous. Thankfully, the images my subconscious dumped last night did not permeate throughout my day.
When I checked my Twitter feed, I saw the day’s wishes had already started, even at the early hour.
My first stop for the day was in DC. I visited a friend in the hospital who is stuck for observations for a week. We geeked out about Guardians of the Galaxy. Yes, we are seeing it when it is released. I then bought him two bacon cheeseburgers, along with a Rueben for myself. We ate while we watched SVU and continued with our random comments and occasional crude humor.
My second stop was for fro-yo. I met up with a few work friends. We enjoyed the cold in our mouths on a quite warm day. Then we strolled down the road to a nearby pool hall. There was cheap beer, bad billiard performances, and a World Cup match on just about every screen in the establishment. After Germany’s third goal, we gave up our game to watch what the other hundred or so people in the establishment were captivated by. We left a few minutes into the second half.
My third stop brought me back to the same area as the pool hall. After planning and multiple cars were organized, I had sushi with a CookieMonster, a FireMonkey, and an EmberBliss. The internet cracked me up with random hilarious information. After dinner, I bought a cheap cute dress, and we were given the pleasure of a beautiful rainbow.
Following sushi, there was a trek back into DC for sweets, sadly sans EmberBliss. Our trio arrived just in time to buy cupcakes. Purchase accomplished, we sat in the car as the rain storm lingered. Cookie and Fire sang Happy Birthday to me. I gave them each a kiss in thanks.
My last stop was at the home of yet another work friend. Since I came late, I arrived with a cupcake. We chatted for a bit before I noticed the hair on his couch. Later I felt tingling on my skin. And my eyes began to water.
“Does a cat live here?”
His answer in the affirmative gave weight to my decision to end my evening with him. Of course there was also his hour plus of ranting about random people in his past that pushed my legs closed and dictated my never doing things I had thought about doing with him, ever.
Throughout my day, though, I was called, texted, emailed, Facebooked, direct messaged, and Tweeted. In more ways than one, people reached out to me and made contact, which, on this of all days, is what makes me smile. All the attention, even in bite sized pieces, was appreciated.
Flirtation ending aside, all-in-all, I had an awesome thirty-first birthday.
Categorised as: Random
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a very very VERY happy birthday to you. glad you had a great day! xx