1.1.17 Goals
New Year’s thoughts for improving myself and my life:
1- Write. Going for a blog a day again, but with the caveat that length is not a requirement. Expect frequent flash erotica and diatribes about my day.
2- Pay down my debt. Before I incur a massive amount of student loan debt from med school, I’d like to significantly decrease my credit card balances.
3- Divest myself of stuff. Preferably, when I move for school, I’ll be able to fit whatever I still own into a 5X5 storage container.
4- Move more. Get into a weekly running and stretching/yoga routine. Baby steps to a healthier me.
5- Adulting better. Regular schedule of cleaning my room. Cook and freeze more meals. Declutter my things.
Each is an incremental process that takes time, patience, and diligence.
Thus I start 2017.
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