
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Yeah, Glo

I don’t do New Year’s resolutions.

I do, however, set intentions and use them to help guide my year. I keep them vague on purpose as a way to encourage myself without limiting what the year could bring or setting unrealistic exceptions that only lead to disappointment come December.

This year’s intention is ‘Yeah, Glo”.

I want to say yes to more things. I want to give myself permission to do the fun thing, the hard thing, or just the thing. How this has thus far manifested is in my reading for pleasure. I’ve been trying to read a little almost every day for fun. Nothing medical related, just what I have a hankering to peruse. Yes to time on the couch curled up with a story to experience. We’ll see what else I say yes to for the rest of the year.

I also want to glow, as in glow up and glow from within. I want to move more, eat a little less, and just experience the warm and fuzzy feeling of happiness throughout the year. More smiles. More laughing loudly without restraint. And putting more light into the world, too. (I am currently working on scarves for all the interns.)

Our world is so dark lately. Tragedy and hypocrisy and downright evil every fucking day. So, for the betterment of myself and those in my orbit, yes to fun and love and care projecting more warmth and glow out into the world. 

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