
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Doc’ Category

The Upside to Amputation —

“I know this is hard, and you can totally tell me to fuck off, but can you see an upside to this revelation?” – Doc“Well, yes. I invested a lot of emotional energy their way, so now that I’ve accepted that the fantasy in my head won’t happen, I can invest most of that emotional […]

Drop the Apparently —

“So, what does that tell you?” – Doc“That apparently people value my thoughts and opinions more than I do.” – me“Drop the apparently.”  ~ In regards to the PS, we’re going to get a little snooty here. I’ve worked shows before, especially lighting. There’s some good people there. There’s some smart people there. But they are […]

Is This It? —

~ my poly adventure continues ~ I had this ranty angry full-of-feelings blog written out earlier today. I was sitting, waiting for my car to be serviced, with plenty of time to delve into some not-so-fun topics, when I roughed out a fairly good blog entry. But that’s not what I’m posting today. You’ll get […]

Trust And Intimacy —

“Why do you think I haven’t been in a relationship for as long as you’ve known me?”“Do you foster trust and intimacy?”I’ve been going to Doc since April of last year. We’ve talked a lot about my emotions, my attachment style, who I find myself attracted to and why, and what I want from my […]

Smile Dance Be —

It wasn’t hard to choose my next three words for my year, considering I’d already started practicing their ideaology this past month.SmileAs I previously mentioned in a post, Doc recommended I try to smile more. Smiling has never really been a problem for me, but I like the idea of doing it intentionally. I want […]

Smile —

My session with Doc today was surprisingly awesome. We started talking about OKCupid and how I’ve completely revamped my profile, basically lifting my recent blog post about my disappointment with the site and pasting it into my profile, including the list of minimum qualifications. My daily message count has drop significantly, but I’m actually pretty […]

Tuned In —

My life infects my writing.My writing infects my life. – me, in a random moment of realization and blunt honesty So there was this moment at work. Well, no, it wasn’t actually at work, but it was during the break between our setup and our tear down. It was this subtle little thing, a blink […]

Ache —

As I walked down a less than crowded DC street, I felt sad. As I strolled, with plenty of time to reach my destination, I pondered my feelings, the subtle ache in my heart. I wondered, Why am I feeling this way?As per Doc’s request, I have been more tuned into my emotions in the […]

Stood Up —

I was stood up tonight, and, funny enough, I am the happier for it. It was my work friend from Faire yesterday. We had arranged to hang out this evening, but he had to cancel; some bullshit he needed to take care of at home. We have already planned to reschedule for another day, though […]

Enemy Of Love —

They asked us to give voice to our enemy. Name it. What kept us all from love? Symbolized by a wood carving pulled around the fire, people confronted their enemy. They gave it a name. They shouted, screamed, cursed at it. I stood on the edge of the circle, barely able to contain myself. I […]