
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Emotional’ Category

Care —

I spent most of today in a hospital. I came to the need of a friend, sat by their side through the slowest waiting room ever, many doctors, many nurses, more waiting, and lots of questions. In the end, my friend was discharged with no new answers but much less pain. It is a cliche […]

My Sweet Banana —

“I love you, my sweet banana. That’s what my mother called you when you were a baby.” I was five months old when my grandmother died. I’ve seen photos, and have been told I look like her. I have no memory of her at all, though. The one lasting impression she left on me was […]

Consent —

I mentioned recently listening to one of my FetFest audio recordings. This reminded me; I have not written anything on my blog about this inaugural event yet. So, in the coming month, I will recount some of the highlights of my time that weekend. However, for this entry, I want to get something out of […]

Woo-ing Myself —

I read a recent post by my friend Gray Miller on his blog lovelifepractice.com. This particular entry focused on learning to love oneself. He concluded his entry with a simple question: What do you love about yourself? This got me thinking. So, I answered it. – My eyes. They say more than I can ever put […]

Mimosas in the Morning —

My final Rope Camp Memory…Around 7am, I awoke to lips against mine, a kiss pulling me from sleep. My eyes still closed, I kissed back, the thought of ill intent never arising. Our embraced ended, I heard, “Best Cabin Bitch Ever,” whispered to me. I opened my eyes in time to see Murphy’s dreads as […]

Written Raw —

Rope Camp Memories continued… Written Raw, a poem My tears wait on the edges of my lids, permission for their exit pending. Overwhelming emotions, conflicting joy and sorrow, push and pull my heart to pieces. Hiding the tornado of feelings, my face gives the world a smile, or a grin, or a smirk, all lies […]

Triggered & 60/40 —

Rope Camp Memories continued… As the boys finished cleaning up, I sat by the corner of the stage, talking to Cabin Meat. I showed her the photos I took of the acts, pleased at my work. When I looked up, at the frame on the ground across from the stage, I saw a bit of […]

Circus —

Rope Camp Memories continued… After dinner, I headed back to my cabin to get ready for the evening. The only hiccup: I was scared my takedown would happen at any moment. I stood in the shower, worried that at any second someone would pull me out and it would begin. My fear went so far […]

Therapeutic Rope —

GKE: The Geeky Kink Event I am sure there will be many a blog, FetLife post, Tweet, and multitudes of other writings about this past weekend. Instead of being one of those who talks about what went right and what went wrong, instead I’ll just speak on a few of my experiences there. The first […]

Live Well —

“You know the cruelest thing you can do to an ex after a break up?” I shook my head no. “Live well.” Last night, I went to a party. I carpooled with the roommates, DeepEnd and SkinnyBitch, as well as NYRCampSlut, who came along for the ride. I was somewhat excited for what laid ahead. I […]