
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Emotional’ Category

Right After —

My breath caught in my throat. My hands went to my mouth to quiet a sob. Even in my sadness, I didn’t want to wake my roommate, who was snoozing on the couch beside me. A few tears fell. I stopped them. I took a few deep breaths. I got my things together. My roommate […]

Finding It Again —

I’ve already spoken about my many reasons for loving rope, but this time I’ll talk about finding that love again. I had a moment at FetFest, a situation that made me doubt myself and my abilities as a rigger. It wasn’t dangerous. It wasn’t unsafe. It was just…frustration, and a feeling of…incompetence? I felt like […]

On Processing —

People have these things called feelings. And feelings, they are messy. They often don’t make sense unless you sit down and try to analyze them.  Look at them.  Think about them.  Give them more time and attention than most want to.  The thing is, though, you need to.  So you do it anyway, and hope at the end of […]

Whispering to a Stranger —

Rope Camp Memories continued… Still high off the glow of fucking, I thanked the Sadist by getting on all fours and kissing his feet. This seemed to please him and keep me in the good graces of the cabin. As I gave the Sadist’s feet attention, Gray caressed my ass, the view perfect from his […]

Distance —

Of all the impediments to kinky fun times, there is no other motherfucker like distance. The nature of our subculture, with its multiple get togethers at various locations both in the states and around the world, lends to connections formed with people who, regrettably, do not live near you. And no matter how much you […]

The Slave Of Many Masters —

It feels kind of shitty to even be writing this; I’m about expound on a problem I know people would love to have. But it’s my fucking blog, so hmph. And yes, I am pouting. Often, too often, I feel torn between the many people in my life. My family and high school friends live […]

Solo vs. Unpartnered —

The last class I took at DOSC ’11 was Poly Sluttery, a discussion group about being both poly and a slut.  As a person who identifies as both, I knew I needed to attend this presentation.  Towards the beginning, the presenter, Strap-on Jo, asked us all to go around the room, identifying what label we […]

Bed —

It’s 8:30pm and I’m sitting in the Family Room at my home staring at my laptop trying to articulate how off my Dark Odyssey Summer Camp felt, but I am at a loss for words.  So, instead of describing the not-rightness of certain moments or the wonky energy floating about, I’m going to point to […]

Rambling —

Back to your regularly scheduled kinky hotness soon.  Today, though, I need to just type and see what appears on my screen. I’m on a beach vacation with my best friend and her family.  They love me; I love them; it’s been good.  However, for most of my time spent here, my body has existed […]

DOF 2011: Monday —

Tying Up Loose Ends My last morning at camp began with a wake up from SkinnyBitch, who decided jumping on top of me in my bed was just the way to start my day.  My cabinmates, in an act of selflessness, had let me sleep til 10am, my record for the event. I was grumpy […]