
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Emotional’ Category

Remind Yourself You’re Awesome —

Cause if you don’t, you could end up like I was tonight: swimming in a pool of jealousy, self doubt, worry, and general crapitude. The only things that kept me from running home, curling up into a ball, and crying myself into an uneasy sleep were the four Margarita’s I drank. As I attempted to […]

Eight Days —

He came home, because he forgot his lunch, and started fucking talking. Seriously?  He was still on the clock at work, and I was just trying to hold it all together. In about fifteen minutes, I’m leaving to have lunch with my father.  It’s a little early (as in date wise), but it’s for my […]

In Memoriam —

In the suburbs outside where I grew up, there is cemetery that acts as the final resting place for the black middle and upper class.  Surrounded by expensive homes and a few acres of corn, it is an odd sight to come upon.  Every Memorial Day, this home for the dead has a homecoming of […]

It Would Be So Easy —

It would be so easy to just let it go.  I could pretend I was okay with the situation, that I believed everything would be fine, that our lives would be back to normal in less than six months. It would be so easy to forgive and try to forget, just ignore the glaring mistake […]

Drama On My Couch —

I am currently living in a situation no one hopes to find themselves: my boyfriend’s mother is staying in our apartment & I am none too happy about it. One might ask: How could this happen?  I’ll tell you. Lately my boyfriend had, here and there, spoken off handily about the stress in his life, […]

Bad Day —

I had hoped my next post would be a wrap up of my Turkey Day Vaca (actual title of soon-to-be entry), but life has once again spoiled my plans. As of January 1st, or sooner if I so choose, my job position will be eliminated. That’s right folks: I’ve been laid off. The economy sucker […]

Always in the Car —

My morning has not been fun. I will explain. As many of you know, yesterday was election day. I was only half interested in the results, seeing as my county did not hold elections. Last night I signed onto Twitter and found through a link an up-to-date posting of results. I went to bed knowing […]

(Un)Healthy Behavior? —

[PLEASE NOTE: TAKE NONE OF THIS SERIOUSLY! This is me venting. This post is not a testament of what current actions I plan to take, nor is it a hashing out of future plans of any kind. This post is for venting purposes only and should be read as such. Thank you.] On the drive […]

Reverse & Repeat —

I’m not depressed per say, just sad. I got a letter in the mail this weekend from my health insurer stating my sessions with my therapists will not be covered past the 17th of next month. That means I have one session left. If anything, I am fearful. I initially started going to her because […]

My First Rejection —

Well, technically it is my second, but my first was never getting a call back. This one was rejected. Actually, not chosen. I entered a small contest on a literary agent’s blog. You post the first paragraph of a story you are currently working on. That’s it. I was entry #2446, I think. Today he […]