
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Emotional’ Category

Headache Making —

Today hasn’t been the best day, and, unfortunately, it is because it did not start well. When my SO came to bed last night, it was at 1:48am. I know this because, somehow, it woke me up. In fact, I thought it might be time to go to the gym. It, obviously, was not. So […]

Third Time’s the Harm —

It happened again, and I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, but I thought it wouldn’t be so soon. Okay, explaining that odd opening statement: my mother asked me for money, again. And I said no, finally. I cannot tell you how much this both pisses me off and makes me feel like the […]

He Did Well —

Last night, millions of Americans tuned in to watch our President give a speech about healthcare reform. Many people will analyze it, going over each sentence with a fine tooth comb. I, however, am not one of those people. Instead, I thought I’d post my Tweets from the event. I sat on my couch, furiously […]

#02 Mr. President – Sir, You Need To Fight —

The following is a letter I wrote to the President, concerning his upcoming speech on healthcare tomorrow. “We are confronted with a moral issue.” -JFK Mr. President, You are to give an important speech this Wednesday concerning healthcare reform. Sir, you need to fight. I know it is your nature to be the peace maker, […]


This morning Dick Armey, former lobbyist for DLA Piper (a Washington law office) and current chairman of FreedomWorks (a conservative organization dedicated to advancing an agenda of “lower taxes, less government, and more freedom”), was interviewed on NPR by Steve Innskeep during Morning Edition. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of my morning nap (before work) […]

And the Hits Just Keep Coming —

After yesterday’s information dump concerning the CIA & torture, I decided to spend some time reading the material released to the public. The following will be the highlights I’d like to share. Special Review: CIA – Office of the Inspector GeneralCounterterrorism Detention & Interrogation ActivitiesSeptember 2001 – October 2003 Summary 1- pg. 4 point 7: […]

The Story I Never Heard —

Back in June of this year, a nine year old girl and her father were murdered. Her mother, wounded, was able to shoot back at the attackers. When I learned this, I asked myself, “Why have I not heard about this story before?” Easy answer: Another man was killed during that same time, by a […]

Before, During & After —

So yeah, I cut my hair. I do it every four years, but I’ve never had it this short, at least not since birth. It’s funny, I can’t stop touching my hair now. And my SO loves it, too. The braid will be on it’s way to Locks of Love tomorrow. Hopefully this will help […]

I’m An Aunt Bitches!!! —

If you have any intelligence at all, you can deduce from the title of this blog that I am over the hill ecstatic that my BFF (yes, I used the acronym, wanna fight about it?) gave birth this weekend. And by this weekend, I mean the ENTIRE weekend. Okay, not quite, but it felt like […]

Stepping Into the Fray —

Monday I attempted to attend Sen. Ben Cardin’s town hall meeting on the campus of Towson University. When I arrived, I soon found around 2000 people were there before me. I knew instantly I would not get in. I had already planned on recording my experience through photos and audio. Since I was not going […]