
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Fisting’ Category

No Expectations —

I didn’t go into the party expecting to play.  The invitation promised good food, tasty drinks, and friends.  That’s all I needed.  Still, I dressed cute and literally let my hair down, an act I don’t often do. People were slow to arrive, but the house eventually filled up with some of my favorite people.  […]

Grind —

The music pounded.  Lights danced through the air.  I sat on the other side of the room and watched as people let their bodies move. Metkat, one of Amy’s partners and one of her housemates, stood behind his laptop dictating the playlist for this part of the evening.  MissAmyRed was one of the persons dancing.  […]

A Visit —

If it is ok with you, I would like to crash with you Friday night.   Originally I didn’t plan to go to Hot House.  It was scheduled for a Saturday evening, typically a night I work.  In fact, I had scheduled a ten hour shift for that very night.  But more than one friend […]

Fantasy —

I could not have picked a better song than the one I randomly pulled out of Lee’s bag: Taylor Swift’s We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together. I’d already gone over the basic idea of a skit with Shay and Stefanos.  Now with this song in mind, we changed it to fit the lyrics […]

Cuddles —

Text me, don’t knock.I took my things upstairs. Dumped my kit just inside the door. Then walked across the hotel. Made my way up to the suite.  Here.A few breaths later, the door opened. The room was dark. I stepped inside. Saw shoes by the front. Thought, to be polite, I should take off my […]

Winning —

“Your blogs have been pretty intense lately.”Yeah, about that… I realize as of late that my entries have been heavy. Life, contemplating my place in this world, how I got here and where I’m going, heavy. And I realize that is not what one would instantly expect from this blog. Don’t get me wrong, and […]

An Excerpt —

~ erotica ~[Note: The following is an excerpt from my NaNoWriMo project.  Enjoy…] I knelt on the ground, my head bent down, naked, waiting. He told me to wait. Told me he would be back. But when he’d be back I did not know. The chain around my neck, and it’s lock by the top […]

Busy Day —

With the sacrifice of my Saturday a given, an unintended consequence arose. All of sudden I only had one day left at camp. One day to go to class. One day to play. One day to make everything happen. When I woke up Sunday morning, I already had a tight schedule. One class, four play […]

Fisting Is Fun —

Before we began, we had a little laugh. This would be the first time we fisted using a glove and lube. When I walked upstairs for my Fisting class, I was a little nervous. Inherent in the premise for my presentation is a slight flaw: I needed a demo fist. I knew this, and hoped […]

Passions —

We arrived five minutes early, groggy but excited. Inretrepida gave me a ride Saturday morning from The Naked House to the Grue, for which I was quite grateful. Otherwise I would’ve had to take three buses for about one and a half hours. As we entered we deposited our shoes to the left and deposited […]