
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category

Easy Button —

Some kinky handles are awesome names. Some are boring names. Some make no sense. The great ones, though, describe the person quite well. Have you met PyroSadist? Well, I have. I officially met him at Summer Camp this year, though I’d known of him for a year. At camp, we loosely made plans to play, […]

Therapeutic Rope —

GKE: The Geeky Kink Event I am sure there will be many a blog, FetLife post, Tweet, and multitudes of other writings about this past weekend. Instead of being one of those who talks about what went right and what went wrong, instead I’ll just speak on a few of my experiences there. The first […]

Live Well —

“You know the cruelest thing you can do to an ex after a break up?” I shook my head no. “Live well.” Last night, I went to a party. I carpooled with the roommates, DeepEnd and SkinnyBitch, as well as NYRCampSlut, who came along for the ride. I was somewhat excited for what laid ahead. I […]

Bootblacking —

I realize I recently wrote a post centered on my love for boots. However, I had the intense pleasure of servicing two pair of boots (I know, I am a lucky girl) for a person I deeply care about tonight. And, in doing so, I now have the urge to profess my love for the […]

NYR Cabin Bitch —

The first night of Rope Camp, Thursday night, is full of stories I wish to tell; the first I’ll recount is how I earned my NYR Cabin nickname. To start, an explanation.  Murphy Blue and Graydancer, two of my friends who I knew would be at Rope Camp, ended up in Cabin 1/2.  Murphy, along […]

Bed —

It’s 8:30pm and I’m sitting in the Family Room at my home staring at my laptop trying to articulate how off my Dark Odyssey Summer Camp felt, but I am at a loss for words.  So, instead of describing the not-rightness of certain moments or the wonky energy floating about, I’m going to point to […]

Rambling —

Back to your regularly scheduled kinky hotness soon.  Today, though, I need to just type and see what appears on my screen. I’m on a beach vacation with my best friend and her family.  They love me; I love them; it’s been good.  However, for most of my time spent here, my body has existed […]

DOF 2011: Monday —

Tying Up Loose Ends My last morning at camp began with a wake up from SkinnyBitch, who decided jumping on top of me in my bed was just the way to start my day.  My cabinmates, in an act of selflessness, had let me sleep til 10am, my record for the event. I was grumpy […]

DOF 2011: Sunday Part 2 —

Camp Awards After my conversation with Deep_End, I sat around outside with my cabinmates relaxing before the awards dinner.  Around six, though, I knew I needed to get ready.  I had already prearranged with SkinnyBitch that she was going to help me with a little plan I’d devised to ‘mindfuck camp.’  For the entirety of […]

DOF 2011: Sunday Part 1 —

I had a feeling this would happen.  I didn’t finish these posts before I left for Rope Camp, and now it is a struggle to dig through the recesses of my mind to find these memories.  Luckily, I journaled and voice memo-ed about my time.  I am nothing if not efficient.  So now, Sunday Part […]