
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Funny’ Category

Elevator Entertainment —

The final night, the final hours of WinterFire, of course I didn’t want to go to bed. I found myself in the lobby of the hotel discussing possible cookie snagging with TwistedView & Dov. In our conversing, I learned of the secret (not really) rope folks lounge up on the ninth floor. With the allure […]

Girl Fight —

So… after Gray’s edict. After Chey & Stefanos & Nerine. After laughing and screeching, boots on flesh and twisted faces of pain. After all that, I still had a scene to oversee. It was time for some chicks to fight. My whole point for going to Playful & Predicament BDSM was to germinate possible ideas […]

The Doctor —

So… My moment journaling in my room took an hour and fifteen minutes. With Jim and Gray fresh on my mind, I had a lot to write about. When I ventured back down to the play spaces, I looked about but could not find Gray or his play date. Instead, I sipped an energy drink […]

Boots —

I started his bootblacking like I had many times before. Lightly lifting his right boot onto my thigh. Cleaning it twice. Scrubbing the catwalk with a toothbrush. Checking for frayed threads to singe down. He, however, decided to not treat me as he had before. He lifted his left boot and placed it on my […]

Tickling —

“I’ve never let anyone suck on my balls before.”“Really?”“Yeah, it’s hard to get over the tickling sensation.”“Like I said, I get what I want.”A huge grin crept across her face. He was bound to his home office chair, his ankles secured to the wheel legs, his wrists to the arm rests. He was completely naked. […]

Rigger vs Rigger —

Rope Camp Memories continued… With Gray off to the Dungeon, I grabbed his things, as well as my own, and left. I first swung by my cabin. I dropped off my shot glasses and put on my Zim jacket, as it was getting chilly. I put my flashlight in my pocket, as well, remembering the […]

Midori Wants Ice Cream —

Today’s blog is another fun Rope Camp memory I wish to impart. After the opening night’s Meet & Greet, which originally was to be smores around the campfire, but was moved into Dungeon because of the rain, members of NYR Cabin congregated towards the front entrance, ready to take on an important mission: Midori, an […]

Turkey Day Edition of Photo Friday —

Folks, I apologize for my noted absence from this blog. It’s not been on purpose that I’ve lacked in my postings. Instead, it is for this… the many many scarves I’ve been knitting & crocheting for family and friends, in lieu of buying presents this year. Yes, I know it seems as if I’m not […]

Photo Friday —

I’ve been at this whole blogging thing for a while now, so I thought I might start a little series I’m calling Photo Friday. I carry a crappy little digital camera in one of my cargo pockets wherever I go. As such, I get shots of some of the interesting moments of my days. Here […]

Advantages of a Ghetto Movie Theatre —

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but I am deathly afraid of scary movies. Like ridiculously so. Like I couldn’t sleep in my dorm room for five days after seeing The Ring, kept noticing the figure of a young girl in a white gown out of the corner of my eye, ran out […]