
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Gen Fiction’ Category

Drunk Qualities —

~ erotica ~ I dropped her off at the front, swung around the back, and parked the car. In my rear view, before I made my turn, I could see her stumbling up our front stairs. She was drunk. I was her ride. And, well, her roommate. Once parked, I gingerly walked to the front and […]

ASA: Field Trip —

“TNG.”I gave him a questioning look.“The Next Generation.”“You mean like Star Trek?”“No.” It was Friday, 5:15pm again. This time when I stepped up to his door there was no pensive waiting, no pacing. I simply gave a quiet knock. Mr. Ebon beckoned my entrance, and I sat on top of the desk as before. My […]

Sugar Coated —

~ a story ~ There is a little coffee shop by my apartment. I don’t go to it much, but when I do I always see her. She looks like you. Not exactly like you, but close. She’s a little older, a little taller, and a bit less cheerful. Still, every time I see her […]

Attempt Number Three —

~ a story ~ I’ve tried to write this letter, twice. This is attempt number three.Attempt number one was mean, angry. Lots of curse words. I called you an ass multiple times. An asshole I think only once.  The word fuck was also used a lot.  I tried to get you to understand how your actions […]

Not The Suckiest —

~ a story ~ I knew it. I knew as soon as she opened the boxed that I had fucked up. Maybe it wasn’t the right color. Or the right size. Or maybe it was just something she found utterly atrocious. Either way, I knew I fucked up.“You hate it,” I stated plainly.“No. No, I […]

Grandma’s House —

~a nightmare~ His teeth were yellow, with random spots of brown. His breath stank of liquor, which kind I couldn’t tell. He held his shot gun in his right hand as he leaned against the door frame. “Why wasn’t I lucky. Passing by, and seeing your lights on.” The front door had a large window […]

Re-Introduction —

~a story~ She tried not to tap her pencil. Or twirl her hair. Or bite her lower lip. All her ticks, all the signs she was nervous, yet she couldn’t help herself. He was sitting right there. Right there. The next table over. She was suppose to be studying for her Diff-E-Q final (Differential Equations). She […]

The Wolf —

~erotica~ They called her The Wolf. She prowled the local haunts, nightclubs, bars, and bath houses alike. People weren’t sure how she identified herself. She never objected to any pronoun used, but then again she rarely talked, except when stalking her prey. She seemed to have no preferences, loving cock and pussy alike, tall or […]

Crimson —

The rope was crimson, a dark blood red, that seemed to vibrate through the packaging. She held it in her hands, not sure what to do with it. It was a gift, a random gift from a stranger who, when presenting her with the small plastic wrapped hemp, said only, “For you.” She’d thanked the […]

I Miss You —

It’s not your clothes. God, you are such a slob. With your tattered jeans, ruffled thrift store polo’s, and sneakers that barely stay together. I don’t miss your clothes. And it’s not your apartment. Books in piles randomly set. Your eclectic collection of old school Nintendo 64 games. And your Game Boy, at the edge […]