
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Gen Fiction’ Category

Mr. Wrong —

~erotica~ Bad boys ain’t no goodGood boys ain’t no funLord knows that I shouldRun off with the right one*But which one? Thick steam surrounded, swirled, as Sam sat and wrestled with this choice. Dominic or Thomas? Daddy or Beau? Who would Sam choose? Both Dominic and Thomas were appealing. Both were gorgeous, desperately in love […]

Falling Down —

The cold rain pounded her body; she didn’t care. The frigid wind blew; she didn’t mind. The rain masked her tears. The wind screamed louder than her cries. She was grateful for the torrent around her, grateful something rivaled the tornado of emotions inside her. He arrived around 9, tired from work, not expecting to […]

Vacation —

It was cool, with a slight breeze that rustled the nearby trees, but the light droplets that fell brought the chill down past her layers of clothing to rest on her skin and in her bones. She didn’t like the cold, and though it was nowhere near freezing, the temperature was much too low for […]

Be Honest —

* You want me to be honest? – Yes. And no bullshit. The word ‘rejection’ better not cross your lips. * Hmm… Well, beyond rejection. Beyond failure. Beyond loneliness and heartache, the usuals. – Yes. * The thing I fear the most is… the dark. – The dark? * The dark. – Really? * Yes. […]

No Matter —

It was the slightest touch, imperceptable to anyone save the two of them, but it was enough to seal her fate. The electricity in that simple act was apparent, screaming in her every nerve. She loved him, therefore she was lost. He didn’t allow love, didn’t want it, didn’t need it. He sought discipline, order, […]

She Saw, He Saw —

Walking into the tavern, she saw him almost instantly. His tall and brood frame stood out often, especially among groups. He looked relaxed, at ease, possibly tipsy. He drank and spoke animatedly to their friends. She walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. He saw her as soon as she entered. To him […]

Charlie & David (pt. four) —

This was not what I planned, not at all. My living room was in disarray. I’m sure my neighbors thought World War Three was happening over here. I’m quite shocked the cops weren’t called. Lying in my bed, resting in his arms, the fresh scrapes on his knuckles starting to scab over, admiring the content […]

Comfort —

The scent of his hair lingered on her hand. The delicious smell wafted up her nostrils as she randomly rubbed her itchy nose. That scent, his scent, made her smile. There time together had been innocent. She’d gone to the party to relax after a stressful week at work. They’d known each other for some […]

Charlie & David (pt. three) —

I didn’t return to Happy Hour the next week. Or the following week. This was a delicate game and I wanted the boys to stew a bit. I waited an entire month, in fact, before I returned. And when I did, the room was abuzz with the tensions between the two men. It seemed my […]

The Hand —

There are toys to be played with, laughter to be sung out, and gift cards to cash in. Therefore today I give you all another story I wrote some years back. Enjoy. The Hand She lay in bed, trying to pretend everything was normal. The radio was on. Her boyfriend was next to her. She […]