
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Gen Fiction’ Category

Hickies Are Real —

~ erotica ~ “Where did we stop last time?” She knocked on my hotel room door at 10pm sharp, same as last time. She walked in, counted her money, and disrobed, same as last time. But this time I had an once of bravery in me earned from my previous payment and my previous lesson. […]

First Time —

~ erotica ~ I got the knock on my hotel room door at 10pm. She was prompt. “Come in,” I called, having latched the door open in anticipation of her arrival. She stepped in and closed the door behind her. It locked instantly. She was beautiful, yet unassuming. She didn’t look like the fantasies I’d […]

The Surface —

~ a story ~They prepare us all the same, drilling the knowledge into us from our awakening. Cling tight to the surface. Seek a new home to dwell in. Multiply and pass on the code. Life was simple, pleasant, warm. I liked the others, loved our time together, loved the dull thump and steady current […]

Enslaved pt 3 —

~ a story ~ All the dwellings loved him. All the people bent to his will. I wanted to know his scent and taste his flesh. I wanted to bed our ruler. Cooing to get to inside his dwelling was easy. Cooing to find him just as simple. And, knocking on his door, the warmth […]

Enslaved pt 2 —

~ a story ~ I cooed at my mother once to get her to give me coin. I cooed at my father to let me slip out at night. But this night would be different. I cooed at the fare coach driver to give me free passage. I cooed at his passengers to forget they […]

Enslaved pt 1 —

~ a story ~They held me in chains, naked, the cold concrete floor no comfort to my flesh or bones. The bars of my cell were not within my reach. Little light filtered into my room, but I could see well enough. That is, until anyone one of them came to see me. Few believed the tale. […]

Would Have —

~ erotica ~I would have fucked you. I wanted to fuck you. I thought about it all day. Thought about it as we walked, talked, laughed ate. I thought about fucking you in my bed. On the couch. Rolling around on the floor. In the shower, trying to not slip and fall. Against the wall, […]

I Want —

~ erotica ~ “I want to watch you suck my cock.” I saw the eagerness in her eyes, saw the sparkle as she stared at my rather large purple dildo that I stroked while I sat on my bed. I was naked, save for my strap on, which itself was cover with a condom. She […]

Intermezzo —

~ erotica ~ As the intermission ended, patrons filed back into the crowded theater. I intentionally strayed behind, asking for another drink from the bartender. I needed something strong if I was going to make it through the second half of the show. “Scotch neat please.” He gave me a sideways glance but poured the […]

Late —

~ erotica ~ “We have to go.” He sat on the couch, his clothes sloppily thrown on his body, his hair merely pushed back off his face. He’d flipped to something random on our television; we were probably going to be late. “Come on. Get your shoes on. You know how much they hate it […]