
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Gray’ Category

This Thing —

So, I did this thing. And by “thing”, I mean “podcast”. And by “did this”, I mean “started a”. For those of you most loyal of blog readers, you may remember some time ago that I started a podcast and only created two entries. THIS IS NOT THAT! However, having gone through the process of […]

Go See Killing Them Softly —

It’s official: Gray picks all the movies. Killing Them Softly was another aftercare flick, which we saw on the Sunday of the London Grue. After Grue-cakes, extra poi practice, and more leather fun. After hugs, and thank yous, and goodbyes. After the Grue was officially over, Gray, Hedwig, and I ventured back to Hedwig’s place […]

Postcards —

“Why are you sending me a postcard?”“Because I can.”It was my last moments in London. That morning, my last morning in London, we’d fucked like it was the last time for a long time, because we both knew it would be the last time for a long time. But now, a few hours later, we […]

Shadow Career —

Sometimes I hate my job. I know this is true of most people. I suppose it’s been true of just about every job I’ve had. There comes a point when all I want to do is scream at someone or to someone. I need to release my pain. I need to tell people how much […]

Locked In —

We could’ve kept going pretty easily. I’d just completed Gray’s boots and still had his chaps and vest to work on. But it was getting late and Gray didn’t want to keep others up just so we could have fun. The two people who had watched our scene were also ready to go. As Gray […]

Release —

I was nervous, terrified even. I was going to try this, going to let myself go to a place where I didn’t know how I would react. I talked about it with him first. “For our scene, could you do something for me? Could you take off my necklace?” With all of the emotions wrapped […]

Water Torture —

I was fried, hanging on by a thread. And then the thread was cut. We were out to dinner, a group of nine of us, sitting around a large table in a pub about a fifteen minute walk from the Flying Dutchman. We were all tired, the rush of the Grue slamming to a halt […]

Orange —

The look on her face was almost serene. I had never seen her experience this, never seen this play before. Yes, I had heard about it. It was a scene she was known for, a class she had given before but never was I able to attend. As I sat so close to her, watching […]

Poi Is Awesome —

Going into the London Grue, I knew there was one class I absolutely positively wanted to host: Poi Is Awesome; Let’s Practice. At first I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. I even had jitters about suggesting the class session at all. But a friend said they’d brought two pairs of poi, and […]

Little Moments —

“There were so many times tonight when all I wanted to do was grab you by your hair and push you down onto my cock.”“There were about a dozen times when all I wanted to do was drop to my knees, unzip your pants, and suck on your cock.”I was frustrated. The Meet & Greet had been […]