
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Gray’ Category

Movie Moment —

It was kind of like in romantic comedies… You hear the voice from around the corner, this new person in conversation with someone you already know. They talk for a bit, and you learn the texture and tone of their voice without yet seeing their face. His was a nice voice, deep and rich with […]

Dominant Ash —

I was exhausted. My flight from DC to London had left at 10pm DC time, and arrived at 10am London time. Because of turbulence, I’d only slept for about three hours while on the plane. But I was in England. And CherryBondage was there waiting for me. We hugged for so long. It felt amazing […]

Lessons From London —

1- Pack Light Lighter than what you think light is. And then even lighter than that. I landed in London and met CherryBondage at Heathrow airport. After a quick primer on the London Underground, as well as a handy little map that fit in my pocket (which I lost), we then proceeded to the Waterloo […]

Mild Morning Freak Out —

I woke up, opening my eyes, and at once searching for Tessie. It’s what I do almost every time I wake up. Sometimes, with my occasional tossing and turning, he ends up on the floor. But then, a millisecond later, when I saw him sitting next to my knee, looking right at me, I felt […]

Go See Loopers —

Go see Loopers. GO. SEE. LOOPERS. Gray wanted to see a movie to help with his event drop, his normal salve to ease the pain. When spit balling on what movie to see while I drove us away from camp, he suggested Loopers. I had vaguely heard of it, but was mostly ambivalent about the […]

Eight Days —

It was the longest time in a row that we’d spent together. Every night we slept in the same bed (though not always just the two of us). We ate (almost) every meal together. It was eight straight days of being around each other, eight straight days of time together. When he left, when I […]

A Good Time —

It was Friday night at Rope Camp. Cigars, Boots, and Chocolate was winding down; fewer than a dozen people remained in the Pavilion, though we all stood around smiling and chatting, still enjoying each others company. The social had gone well. Even though I arrived late. Even though I had to run back to the […]

Escape —

“The goal of the captive is to escape. The goal of the captive is to escape. The goal… of the captive… is to escape.” Oh, I realized. I was suppose to try to escape. I looked on as Gray’s minions (volunteers from the class) began to stand. I back pedaled, rushed to the right, saw […]

Service —

As I drove in my car, having just picked up Gray from the airport, I asked him what his expectations for Rope Camp were, specifically surrounding how we would interact. “Well if you wanted to be in service to me it would be helpful, but it would only be for the duration of camp.”“Ah…no. No […]

Aftercare —

We were all wiped. It wasn’t even two hours into the After Grue when Inretrepida and I spoke of leaving. I dutifully sat in a comfy chair, scribbling out notes from my day and my time with Gray and Symetrie, yet I actively worked to not fall asleep. Just as our duo was about to […]