
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Roughinamorato’ Category

Ash Slut —

“Would you like to come to cigars after?” – Gray“Yes, but I’d need a ride.” – me“You have it.” – Symetrie “What are the seat belt laws in this state?” – me“Put it on.” – GrayThe Meet & Greet ended at 10pm with the last few attendees walking out together, among them Inretrepida, Rough, myself, […]

Meet & Greet —

When I reached the top of the stairs and entered the restaurant’s second floor lounge, his back was to me. For a moment, I thought I shouldn’t immediately go up and say hi. He was, after all, working, and he seemed to be busy talking with Symetrie, a woman I briefly met at Shibaricon. But […]

Reprise —

After tapping my pinkie toe and assuring Veskrashen I was fine. After dinner, Chicago style pizza with friends at a nearby restaurant. After showering, getting ready, and chugging a Sparx. After my afternoon, it was time for my evening. For Sunday night, I donned a new dress. It was a black, tight, cotton stretch with […]

Distraction —

My scene finished with NHF, I again found my head on his knee. We both relaxed by the wall, he in his chair and me on the floor, coming down from the high of our intense interaction. As I rested there next to him, by chance I had looked over in the corner nearest us […]