
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘Vent’ Category

Always in the Car —

My morning has not been fun. I will explain. As many of you know, yesterday was election day. I was only half interested in the results, seeing as my county did not hold elections. Last night I signed onto Twitter and found through a link an up-to-date posting of results. I went to bed knowing […]

(Un)Healthy Behavior? —

[PLEASE NOTE: TAKE NONE OF THIS SERIOUSLY! This is me venting. This post is not a testament of what current actions I plan to take, nor is it a hashing out of future plans of any kind. This post is for venting purposes only and should be read as such. Thank you.] On the drive […]

Reverse & Repeat —

I’m not depressed per say, just sad. I got a letter in the mail this weekend from my health insurer stating my sessions with my therapists will not be covered past the 17th of next month. That means I have one session left. If anything, I am fearful. I initially started going to her because […]

My First Rejection —

Well, technically it is my second, but my first was never getting a call back. This one was rejected. Actually, not chosen. I entered a small contest on a literary agent’s blog. You post the first paragraph of a story you are currently working on. That’s it. I was entry #2446, I think. Today he […]

And In Other News… —

We had sex. It was fun. Enough of that thought, until next therapy session. What I really want to talk about is: I submitted a story to a literary journal Tuesday. And I am so nervous. On their website it said to not expect any response back for quite some time. So, for now, I’m […]

Headache Making —

Today hasn’t been the best day, and, unfortunately, it is because it did not start well. When my SO came to bed last night, it was at 1:48am. I know this because, somehow, it woke me up. In fact, I thought it might be time to go to the gym. It, obviously, was not. So […]

Third Time’s the Harm —

It happened again, and I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, but I thought it wouldn’t be so soon. Okay, explaining that odd opening statement: my mother asked me for money, again. And I said no, finally. I cannot tell you how much this both pisses me off and makes me feel like the […]