
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘GLBTQ’ Category

Politics & Prom Part II —

The ACLU is suing the Mississippi school board to reinstate the prom, saying now that the dance was taken away from the entire school, they must fight for the rights of all the students to have their senior prom. LINK: ACLU files suit against Mississippi school for canceling prom This case has stuck with me […]

Politics & Prom —

I just finished reading an article on USAToday about an 18 year old Mississippi lesbian who, after being denied the right to bring her girlfriend to prom, contacted her ACLU chapter for help, only for the school board to find the pussy/asshole way around the situation: they canceled the prom for the school and suggested […]

When It’s Easy to Be Ignorant —

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the issue of putting gay marriage/partnerships to a vote. People can’t understand why, when you poll folks one month they are for equality for gays, but then the next month it’s voted down. Today I read an article in Newsweek, suggesting maybe it is the portrayal of gay characters in […]

Senate May Vote on DADT Tomorrow —

According to the The Daily Beast, Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand, the freshman New York Democrat who replaced Hillary Clinton, may introduce an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill tomorrow to put an 18-month moratorium on dismissing gay service members from the military under the Pentagon’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. This is what we’ve been asking […]