
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for the ‘DOF’ Category

Late Arrivals —

I showed up late to Gray’s Leather History class the Friday afternoon of Fusion. Unfortunately his presentation was at the same time as the Kinky Life Drawing Ion. I spoke with the person running the mini event. They were not sure if the people participating would like to stay after the allotted time. Hence no […]

Reward —

My Friday at Fusion started early. Even though I got to bed around 3am, I woke up at 7am to go run an errand. Because of my previously mentioned flat tire, I ventured off campus, had two of my tires replaced, and returned to my bed around 8:45am. I managed a decent nap before the […]

Snack —

I stood in line with Gray, Naiia, and Amy, chatting about something to pass the time as the line slowly inched forward. It was midnight snack, open to everyone on campus. Diva, a wonderful woman who served the wonderful food, was a friend. Most all Fusion attendees can attest to the joy and necessity of […]

Ride —

I found myself in the same position Thursday night at Fusion as I had been some nine months previous with the same person in control of my fate, though under drastically different circumstances. The last time I had seen Malacro was at the last Summer Camp. I was grieving the recent loss of my father, […]

Words —

I approached his cabin slowly. It had been drizzling off and on during the day, so I carried my borrowed umbrella, resting it on my right shoulder. As I stepped up to his porch, he saw me and gave me one of his wry smiles. “Hello Poetic.” I stood patiently at the bottom step and […]

Voluntold —

“Since my demo bottom has a burn on her back, would anyone be willing to help me with this next part?” Rough’s face stayed forward as his right hand rose up and pointed towards me. My hand was halfway in the air already. Rough knows me well enough. Thursday was a scattered day. By the time […]

Delayed —

Originally I was to pickup MissAmyRed from the airport at 9:30am Thursday morning. When I woke up, though, I was greeted to a series of unfortunate text messages. Amy’s original flight was delayed and, because of this she, had missed her connection. After a confusing number of steps and alternate plans created and then thrown […]

Wednesday Night —

My Wednesday evening at Fusion had the feel of a real vacation. I wandered around campus, stopped and chatted with folks, drank a little, and had an overall chill time. The majority of my time spent in any one place that day happened at the Baekry, a collective of friends who welcomed me in. I […]

Recharge —

“What are you looking at?” “There are these bees…” My Fusion was full of many moments, both large and small. My first moment happened with Roughinamorato while standing on the porch of Oink. After fully nesting in my cabin, I could think of nothing more fun than to begin the process of delivering invitations to […]

Helpful —

“Happy to be helpful.” is a phrase I often toss out when people thank me for my assistance. I hope I never sound flippant when I say it because I truly mean it. I like being helpful towards the people I care about. To start my Fusion, I was a defacto shuttle service for my […]