
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Surprise (part 1)

The intricacies of putting a loved one to rest are, at times, overwhelming . One specific instance for me, though, was enraging.

I recently received a phone call from the cemetary, where my cousin’s body now lays, regarding payment for the plot. This was a shock to me considering 1) the payment for the plot was arranged through one of her life insurance policies, and 2) the call came three months after her burial. The representative we worked with tried to politely point out that I, along with her mother, had signed a promissory note that legally bound us to pay this debt. Also, since my percentage of the insurance payout was 60%, I needed to pay 60% of the bill.

It was at this moment, that last statement, when my blood started to boil. I could understand up until that point that this man was doing his job, just trying to collect what his company was owed. But he asking me to pay what amounted to $1000 more that my familial counterpart went too far. Obviously he had spoken to her first. This woman’s conniving just would not end.

When paying for the funeral home, the insurance agency took the amount off the top for the bill and then paid out the remainder. The cemetary, or just this representative, didn’t see it this way. I was being penalized because that woman manipulated the situation.

This story does have a somewhat pleasant ending. The insurance company did in fact pay the cemetary bill, my uncashed check was mailed back to me, and I have not heard from the cemetary representative, or that woman, in about a month.

Going through the death of such a close relative has been hard enough. Dealing with her mother, however, has been almost unbearable. She wasn’t a part of my life before Ella died. I hope she stops interjecting herself into my life in the time to come.

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One Comment

  1. August says:

    God, she just doesn’t quit, does she?