
the life and musings of a kinky slut

Archive for March, 2013

Winning —

“Your blogs have been pretty intense lately.”Yeah, about that… I realize as of late that my entries have been heavy. Life, contemplating my place in this world, how I got here and where I’m going, heavy. And I realize that is not what one would instantly expect from this blog. Don’t get me wrong, and […]

Why? —

I’ve been asking myself that question a lot lately, mostly because of a friend’s influence, although Doc has been encouraging it as well. In regards to my theatrical career, there is one person who I believe owes most of the credit for my current circumstance: Mr. David Kriebs. He was the Production Manager for the […]

The Un-Boyfriend —

I stopped looking. I stopped trying.  I have barely touched my OKCupid profile, answered messages, or tried to hookup with anyone since meeting OKC boy. It came to me last night, as I snuggled up in bed, reading a blog before my eyelids shut for the evening: OKC boy is the perfect un-boyfriend. We have had three […]

DGG #3: Possibility —

A couple minutes of me speaking into my phone before heading into Dirty Things this past Friday. listen to ‘003_DGG Possibility ’ on Audioboo